Visit us at The London Coffee Festival 15-18th May - Stand RW07

Take your coffee skills to the next level with our Masterclasses.

Brewing Guide

Brew the perfect cup of Carrara

  1. Remove the portafilter from the machine
  2. Grind between 16-20g (for a double shot) of coffee into the basket
  3. Tamp the coffee by giving a firm push down, try to keep the coffee as level as possible in the basket
  4. Wipe away any grounds left on the rim of the basket
  5. Purge some water through the grouphead of the machine (this regulates the temperature and also gets rid of any coffee from the previous shot)
  6. Place your cup/s under the spouts
  7. Put the portafilter back in the machine and press the double shot button
  8. Your extraction should take roughly 25-30 seconds
Drip Coffee - V60
  1. Boil around 300g/ml of water (once boiled leave to cool slightly)
  2. Place the dripper on your cup and put both on some scales
  3. Add the paper filter to the dripper and rinse with the boiled water (the water will also warm your cup)
  4. Weigh out 15g of coffee and grind to a medium consistency
  5. Disperse of the warm water from the cup
  6. Put the ground coffee into the dripper
  7. Next pour 30g/ml of water onto the coffee and let the coffee grounds 'bloom' for 30 seconds
  8. Slowly add 220g/ml of water, pouring in a circular motion not going to close to the edge of the paper
  9. Let the coffee fully drip through and enjoy
Drip Coffee - Chemex
  1. Boil around 450g/ml of water (once boiled leave to cool slightly)
  2. Place the chemex on some scales
  3. Add the paper filter to the chemex and rinse with the boiled water (the water will also warm the carafe)
  4. Weigh out 24g of coffee and grind to a medium consistency
  5. Disperse of the warm water from the carafe
  6. Put the ground coffee into the dripper
  7. Next pour 50g/ml of water onto the coffee and let the coffee grounds 'bloom' for 30 seconds
  8. Slowly add 350g/ml of water, pouring in a circular motion not going to close to the edge of the paper
  9. Let the coffee fully drip through and enjoy
Cafetiere/French Press
  1. Boil around 900g/ml of water (once boiled leave to cool slightly)
  2. Place the cafetiere on some scales & add some of the water to warm the cafetiere
  3. Weigh out 50g of coffee and grind to a course consistency
  4. Disperse of the warm water and add the ground coffee
  5. Slowly pour 850g/ml of water onto the coffee and let it brew for 4 minutes
  6. Push down the plunger at an even pace and pour
  1. Boil around 300g/ml of water
  2. Place a paper filter into the cap of the aeropress and attach to the body
  3. Stand on top of your cup and add some of the boiled water
  4. Flush the water through (this will heat the chamber and rinse the filter)
  5. Empty the water from the cup
  6. Place both aeropress and cup on your scales
  7. Add 15g of coffee, ground to a medium consistency, to the chamber
  8. Pour in 250g/ml of water and stir
  9. Insert the plunger and leave to brew for 2 minutes
  10. Push down the plunger smoothly until you hear a hissing sound. Your coffee is ready
Moka Pot
  1. Dismantle the moka pot and fill the funnel with medium ground coffee
  2. Level out the coffee but do not compress
  3. Add boiled water to the bottom of the moka pot, just below the safety valve
  4. Assemble the pot back together
  5. Place on the stove over a medium heat
  6. After a couple of minutes coffee should start appearing in the top chamber
  7. Once it starts gurgling/bubbling remove from the heat and pour