Visit us at The London Coffee Festival 15-18th May - Stand RW07

Take your coffee skills to the next level with our Masterclasses.

Carrara is a quality collection of speciality single origins, and carefully created blends, with roasting recipes and cupping all performed in-house. Our green beans are sustainably sourced from around the world and roasted in the rural town of Market Harborough, England.


Carrara Italy
Coffee Roastery Market Harborough Carrara Collection Roastery


Our story is one of family, our traditions and our drive to continuously progress and improve. ‘Carrara’ is an old family name passed down from our roots in the scenic town of Lucca in Tuscany to the picturesque town of Market Harborough, and into every cup of Carrara coffee.

Established in 2008, we have seen our coffee business establish itself into a trusted name and operation within the UK Coffee industry. Our business has been built on strong relationships with both our customers and manufactures, which has allowed us the opportunity to work with some of the best operators within the UK both small and large.

We believe that our history and heritage are as important now as they ever were. We focus on open ingredients, safe practices, fair treatment and an authentic process. From seed to farm, from sack to roastery and from box to cup, every part of our coffee is carefully treated to make it the best it can be.

Today, our business is full of people with passion and experience of the coffee industry, from skilled baristas, experienced account managers, trained engineers or our team in operations who deliver your coffee. We are all working hard to improve and develop Carrara Coffee Roasters, so our business always improves and is pioneering in showcasing the very best produce.

Without our heritage of strong traditions and our strive for perfection in every cup, we couldn’t call ourselves Carrara.

Director & Grandson